Fraction Games

Do you have a child struggling in maths? One area in maths where children often struggle is fractions. At around the age of 8 or 9 years, children get introduced to fractions and they often have a difficult time understanding their concept.

pizza fraction game

Pizza Fraction Fun Game

Pizza fraction games

There are games that can help your child better understand fractions all while having fun. With Pizza games kids pretend playing with a pizza, identify and calculate fractions. The Pizza Fraction Fun Game (ages 6-12) has very realistic looking pizza slices and is about identifying, matching, adding and subtracting fractions.

Kids play seven games which involve building pizzas with 13 pizzas (with one side of each pizza showing the fractions). For example, one game is about identifying fractions, another game is about finding a fraction less than or equal to 1. There is also a game about finding equivalent fractions and a game about adding and subtracting fractions.

A group of children or a family can gather and play a pizza game together and spend an evening having a blast playing with pizza slices all while learning math!

Fraction calculator

If your child is not doing well in maths and has difficulty with fractions, a fraction calculator can really help him or her understand fraction problems. By using the calculator often, your child can become very good at fractions all while having fun.

The See N Solve calculator (ages 8 and up) is designed for elementary and middle school students. What’s great about it is the large LCD screen which shows the calculations and how to solve a fraction problem.

The calculator has buttons that guide users through solving the problem and that show different fraction combinations and how different fractions can represent the same number. The fraction calculator teaches students about fractions and how to add, subtract, multiply and even divide fractions. By the way, as your child gets older you can also get him or her the Texas Instruments TI-34 calculator.

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